Friday, May 27, 2011

HW 59 - SOF Prom 2011 & DSPs

I was able to ask only the one person who was at the peom last night because seems like everybody are sleeping from the active night. The answer for the question-"How was the Prom" this person said that it was mad fun and firts part of it it just a social thing where everybody are being in the small groups of their friends and they just discussed about different things and the second part was an afterparty where everybody just did crazy things after which they are not able to do something next day.
 My Prom would be going by the same scenario because this is a good possibility to do that things. Just need to wait till the next year end and the doors to the Prom are waiting for us and experience we will get, probably will be one of the most memorable in our lifes.
Next day I got a chance to ask one more person about the Thursdays Prom and basically what that person said is that the Prom is a mix of the things which contains a good and bad periods during the Prom. Everbody could not held their emotions and something was out of control. People at the Prom are making their night by themselves and the conclusion of that will depend only by their emotions. I am pretty sure that relationship between the sudents, has been changed after this event.It could be in the good way or bad.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HW 58 - Prom Interviews

I got an interview with my friends who will have a Prom this year and I will write an important things which they said.
They were preparing for a Prom at least 4 months and they are very confident that it is worth it. Very important to organize this event very well and don't rush with something and take it very seriously. I asked them about what is in their plans for the Prom and they both said that they will do everything that they will able to do because this time will be to show yourself from inside and show that what person do you really represent. Also it will be a very nice time to have a much fun. They told me that the organizers of the Prom party brought a huge amount of money from each person(I will not tell how much) and it seems like they will remember it forever. I asked the question about the alcohol on this event and they said definitely everybody will be drunk because it is the first step of the chill out time.
From this short interview I understood that everybody has a very similar predictions for this event and everything what will be good or bad on this event,will depend on them.Everything in their hands,they need just to realize the things they wish to do.
Person who been on the Prom:
His name is Shah and he is my the brother of my best friend
He is 19 years old and he been on the prom when he was 17.
Question: How is everything gone?
Everything gone great, Almost everybody got a fun time and got a good memories for it.
What did you do on the Prom?
Well, I was there with my girlfriend and almost the all time I spent with her and we were laughing on everybody on this Event, We drunk alcohol, everybody was a drunk and other things like that.
How many hours you spent on the Prom?
It hard to remember but I am sure that it was a whole night till the morning but the best thing of the Prom is that on this night you can get in small groups of the people who could be interesting for you and even after the vent you could meet together and discuss the thing which everybody did on this night like for a next few days and you still have a good way of time passing.
In my opinion he really got a good time and I am pretty sure that he will remember it for a long time.
Finally I asked my parents about what did they do and how was their Prom.
My Mom said that she got a very positive memories from it and she remember everybody who was on there. They got a lot of the dancing, laughing and tenders. She showed me a very old photos and I really enjoyed the clothing they were wearing for this event.
My father said absolutely the same things!

So the Prom is a very cool way of the time spending and have a lot of fun. All of these opinions shows that the most of the people got a great time and memories but you can feel it for 100% percent when you get on this event by yourself.!

Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

The Prom
This word represents something significant for each graduated student. We are able to imagine how we will be dressed for this event and what we will do during this party. In my opinion the best thing of this is the memories from that. It will make a special spot in new life that you will remember for a long time and could discuss it among your friends and share the feeling you got from the Prom night. It is like a passage to the real adult life. This Prom night we are able to do whatever we want without a modesty to get the emotions which will change your life. I remember the good quote that I think approaches the Prom topic: "Forget the ceremonial appearance, everyone knows that only remember leaving"
     I think that only after that night you could really understand what did you do and how other react to it. Did you do something that remembered everybody form this event and this is a thing that makes a feeling that everything done for the fully 100% percent and it is memorable. The Prom includes the bunch of stuff such as
dresses,suits,hairstyle,make up, relation ship,boyfriend,girlfriend,alcohol,sex,jokes.laughing, etc.
     I know at least 60 persons who are going to the really really organized well Prom this summer and all of them are ready to take everything that will happen on that day because they understand that this is very important time period for their rating among the others and everything will depends on their actions.
I think that the most intersting things on this topic which we could explore next week are the different true stories which includes the disgusting things of the characters and their reaction to that.
So the Prom is an another possibility to get very useful experience and share it with somebody maybe on the next day ao 5,10,15 years later. It  is still a significant moment in your life and I also think that the ticket for a good memories is to be more open on this night to gain some respect from the others and make an attention to yourself.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

For Rossi
Rossi,your discussion was very interesting to read for me because you answered the questions which tells everything related to your project.You stand for you opinion and it makes it more interesting.In your interview,people tells you about how they want to be cemented or not.You recorded their opinions which are different!Good job!

For Anthony
Anthony, When I read thru your project I really was surprised and actually I really enjoyed what the person you got Interview said about his wishes about what he want from people who came to the his funeral when he will be dead.I found it funny because it seems like this person is really love his job in the funeral home and he seems like a very positive and happy Person.He explained why and when he decided to work in the funeral home and I understood that many people enjoy that job and they are happy to do their work in that because it is a regular job.

For Willie
You got all significant information, we should know about the difference between the funerals of different religions.You explained all of the ways how is religion
Affected the funeral.The most interesting part for me was about an Egypt people.what do they do and how.You said that egyptIans got a very specific way and things to do with a dead body and that they placed Wrapped body into the tomb but in my opinion this is a significance for them and the tomb represents a power of what this human did before he died.You did a good job and made the reader interest to read your project

From Mentor
It is very difficult to decide what to do with dead bodies. If they really do emit contaminants, it makes sense to dispose of them in a safe manner to prevent the spread of disease. However, dead bodies hold great importance in many cultures and must be respected. In this situation, culrural rituals and beliefs about the dead should supercede any supposed harm unless it is absolutely proven.

xc - COTD5

Six Feet Under (Episodes 1-3)

1. "Pilot". Six Feet Under. The Complete First Season DVD. HBO. 2003.
Nathaniel owns a funeral home and is in a car accident. His family has to take over and run his funeral business.  Everybody has their own problems, but they have to work together to make the family business work. In this episode, the death of Nathaniel brings his family together.

2. "The Will". Six Feet Under. The Complete First Season DVD. HBO. 2003.
A businessman is killed and his pool.  He was cheating people out of money. The two brothers have an argument because they each now have 50 percent of the business. So, none of them is the complete owner of the funeral home. It is funny that they are fighting about who will be the boss of a business that deals with dead people. It is like they both want to be a part of the process of death.

3. "The Foot". Six Feet Under. The Complete First Season DVD. HBO. 2003.
A man is killed because a mixer turns on and cuts him up when he is cleaning it.  Also, Nate wants to sell the business because he is afraid to be around death.  He wants to sell it to a bigger business.  In this episode, I can see that death is an important thing and that is why Nate has trouble deciding if he wants to sell it to the company or not.

All things which are happened in these episodes, gave me a reason to watch more episodes because I've never seen before such as this topic in the movies or other shows. This show is related to the care of the dead because all situations in there goes around the death and other things which are related to the death.All characters have their own emotions and opinions on anything what happenenig in the show. As I understood the story line goes on the buisness track where people will make their relationship more harder or better. I think the money has a big role in the story because a lot of things are going around it. Another thing that I found interesting is firstable all characters care about themself which means they are trying to surrvive in that world by doing the deals without thinking what could happen if they do this.It includes the famous terms of the life: Love,Money,Death.....
I guess the funeral industry will affect many stories in the show and because the authors wanted to show how it is important and seems like they did it very well!

xc - COTD2

The movie "Harold and Maude" was showed a different way that people deal with death.  The movie is about Harold, a boy who loves death and always pretends to kill himself.  His mother knows it is always fake and never gives him any attention.  I think that he tries to kill himself many times because he wants to get his mother's attention and shock her.  And every time she ignores him makes him want attention even more. Harold meets Maude at a funeral and they begin to spend time together because they are both very interested in death.  Maude is very old, but Harold falls in love with her and wants to marry her.  He sees himself in her and is attracted to her because they have the same interest in death. Harold's mother does not have the same relaxed view about death like Harold and Maude.  She is not happy that her son is marrying such an old woman and tries to set him up on dates.  But Harold keeps pretending to kill himself and scares off all of the dates.

The movie talks about death in a different way.  Many people are very scared to die and do not want to talk about death.  But this movie uses death as humor and makes you see it in a more comfortable way.  It is even funny to see Harold keep killing himself in many different ways throughout the movie.  Harold and Maude also both keep visiting funerals for fun and Harold even drives a hearse. They are both interested in the idea of dying and that is what brings them together.

But in the end of the movie, Maude kills herself by taking too many sleeping pills.  Harold cannot save her. It is interesting how Harold wanted death during the entire movie, but became afraid when someone he loved was dying.  He did not really understand it because he never had to experience seeing someone that he cared about die in front of him. Harold loved funerals and death because they made up for something inside that he was missing.  When he met Maude at a funeral, now she filled that spot instead of death.  That is why when she died he had a hard time dealing with it.

xc - COTD1

Last weeked I walked around the Linden Hill Cemetery and New York City Marble Cemetery. Unfortunately it was a rainy day but it didn't affect my opinion about these places.The cemetries are always silent and and very well-kept. Every thing is done well: clean roads, green trees and nice bushes. When I walked around it, I started to think about the people who been here before and why they had been there. The people who came to the cemetary all express a different emotion. Some cry because they miss the person who passed away and others just come to speak to them as if they are still alive.  But all people come to the cemetary for one main reason, to keep the memory of a loved friend or family member alive.

The cemetry also gives us an ability to imagine the funeral process of each grave. You try to guess what happened to this person by looking at the dates of his dead and how many years he or she lived on this world. I believe that cemetaries are a home for our souls and when we're coming to the grave of the person we knew before, we can speak to them. This is normal because most of the people think that thay could hear us but could not respond. Cemetary is a place which is located between our world and the God that we believe in. I really enjoyed walking there because for twenty minutes I forgot any problem that I have in my life and relaxed by looking around the beatiful place. As I respectfully walked around, I felt very peaceful.

When I was there, I realized how the cemetaries change throughout life. When I was very young, I was very afraid of them and never wanted to go there.  I just imagined all of the dead people under the ground that I walk on.  Now that I am older I understand why they are important.  They give people a chance to say goodbye to their family members and friends and remember them forever. When people become even older than I am now, they begin to plan for death by buying graves in cemetaries.  They try to find places next to their loved ones.