Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 50 - First Third of Care-of-the-Dead Book Post

I read 43 pages of the book "mortician diaries" and precis writing helped me organize and memorize all significant moments in the book. When I started read the book, I saw a true childhood life story of the main character. Beginnig was a pretty intersting for me and also I got some quotes from there which I thinks will be important in the final summary of the book. This book like a stairs, everything happening step by step to the highest point. Taking the notes during the reading helps not loose the significant details which is very  useful in our summary.
I choosed some quothes which I enjoyed. First one was in the begining." When I was nine years old, I had a tortoiseshellcat named Tobby who brought many lessons into my life" I think this quote is very true because almost everybody in their chilhood had somebody or something, It can be a pet or significant thing but the role of this is only one: to bring lessons in your life. These lessons could totaly change your life in good way.
Second quote "My two youngest children do not know what it is like to not have her.It is possible to have her embalmed, placed in a casket, and laid to rest in a vault?"
This quote shows that children don't really understand what does the funeral and death means. Their mind is very clean and these things seems confusing for them and unreall.
I want to continue reading of that book because it shows to me emotions of the people whos friends,pets or family members been affected by the death. The Death still the most terrible thing!!!!!!!

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